目前分類:魔獸世界 (5)

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wowMiloo 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

/script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Need 102.4 combined avoidance.
Currently at:",0.8,0.8,1)
+ 20)*0.04,1,0.5,0)

wowMiloo 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  Shopping List  
        50 Dense Stone厚重的石头
  200 Heavy Stone沉重的石头
  100 Solid Stone 坚固的石头  
        170 Copper Bars 铜锭
  40 Bronze Bar 青铜锭
  20 Silver Bar 银锭

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Attumen the Huntsman: 41.5% -- 7500 阿圖曼
Midnight: 43.5% -- 8200 午夜
Maiden of Virtue: 39.0% -- 6700 貞潔聖女
Julianne: 36.5% -- 6100 茱麗葉
Romulo: 42.0% -- 7600 羅密歐
Strawman: 41.0% -- 7300 稻草人
Roar: 31.0% -- 4700 獅子(?)
The Curator: 36.5% -- 6100 館長
Shade of Aran: 26.5% -- 3800 艾蘭
Kil'rek: 24.5% -- 3400 基瑞克
Terestian Illhoof: 39.0% -- 6700 疫蹄
Nightbane: 42.0% -- 7600 夜禍
Netherspite: 34.0% -- 5500 尼德斯
Prince Malchezaar: 42.0% -- 7600 莫克札王子

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若有聖騎大大對其他部份有興趣請自行連結上面網頁自行翻閱底下的連結 ^^

 Judgement Raid Effect Examples Author: flyingtoastr 
These numbers assume a perfect 50% proc rate for JoW. These numbers assume a 100% hit rate for all attacks, spells, and abilities. The rotations used assume a perfect latency of 0 ms. These calculations only include spells and abilities that can proc JoW, even though there may be more in the rotation. Any haste effects, whether passive (+Haste rating) or talented (Flurry) or from item procs (Dragonspine Trophy), are not considered into the calculations. All talents/abilities are patch 2.3 versions. Your results will vary greatly.


Chain drinking Super Mana Potions every cooldown equals 100 mp5 
Judgement of Wisdom average for all mana users 122.83 mp5 (Per player) 
每兩分鐘就喝一瓶超強效藍水,回魔效益相當於 100 mp5 

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